Source code for atomai.losses_metrics.metrics


Accuracy metrics

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from atomai.transforms import squeeze_channels
from atomai.utils import cv_thresh

[docs]class IoU: """ Computes mean of the Intersection over Union. Adapted with changes from Args: true: labels (aka ground truth) pred: model predictions activation: applies softmax/sigmoid to predictions thresh: image binary threshold level for predictions """ def __init__(self, true: torch.Tensor, pred: torch.Tensor, activation: bool = True, thresh: float = 0.5): """ Initializes IoU """ self.thresh = thresh self.nb_classes = pred.shape[1] if activation: if self.nb_classes > 1: pred = F.softmax(pred, dim=1) else: pred = torch.sigmoid(pred) if self.nb_classes == 1: self.nb_classes += 1 pred = pred.detach().cpu().numpy() true = true.detach().cpu().numpy() pred = self.threshold_(pred, thresh) if pred.ndim == 4 and pred.shape[-1] > 1: true, pred = squeeze_channels(true, pred, clip=True) pred = torch.from_numpy(pred).long() true = torch.from_numpy(true).long() if torch.cuda.is_available(): pred = pred.cuda() true = true.cuda() self.pred = pred self.true = true
[docs] @classmethod def threshold_(cls, xarr, thresh): """ Thresholds image data """ xarr = xarr.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) xarr_ = np.zeros_like(xarr) for i, x in enumerate(xarr): x = cv_thresh(x, thresh) x = x[..., None] if x.ndim == 2 else x xarr_[i] = x return xarr_
[docs] def compute_hist(self, true, pred): """ Computes histogram for a single true-pred pair """ mask = (true >= 0) & (true < self.nb_classes) hist = torch.bincount( self.nb_classes * true[mask] + pred[mask], minlength=self.nb_classes ** 2) hist = hist.reshape(self.nb_classes, self.nb_classes).float() return hist
[docs] def evaluate(self): """ Computes mean IoU score for a batch """ hist = torch.zeros((self.nb_classes, self.nb_classes)) if torch.cuda.is_available(): hist = hist.cuda() for t, p in zip(self.true, self.pred): hist += self.compute_hist(t.flatten(), p.flatten()) A_inter_B = torch.diag(hist) A = torch.sum(hist, dim=1) B = torch.sum(hist, dim=0) jcd = A_inter_B / (A + B - A_inter_B + 1e-10) avg_jcd = torch.mean(jcd[jcd == jcd]) return avg_jcd.item()