Source code for atomai.models.imspec

from typing import Type, Union, Tuple, Optional
import torch
import numpy as np
from ..trainers import ImSpecTrainer
from ..predictors import ImSpecPredictor
from ..transforms import imspec_augmentor

[docs]class ImSpec(ImSpecTrainer): """ Model for predicting spectra from images and vice versa Args: in_dim: Input data dimensions. (height, width) for images or (length,) for spectra out_dim: Output dimensions. (length,) for spectra or (height, width) for images latent_dim: Dimensionality of the latent space (number of neurons in a fully connected "bottleneck" layer) **seed (int): Seed used when initializng model weights (Default: 1) **nblayers_encoder (int): Number of convolutional layers in the encoder **nblayers_decoder (int): Number of convolutional layers in the decoder **nbfilters_encoder (int): number of convolutional filters in each layer of the encoder **nbfilters_decoder (int): Number of convolutional filters in each layer of the decoder **batch_norm (bool): Apply batch normalization after each convolutional layer (Default: True) **encoder_downsampling (int): Downsamples input data by this factor before passing to convolutional layers (Default: no downsampling) **decoder_upsampling (bool): Performs upsampling+convolution operation twice on the reshaped latent vector (starting from image/spectra dims 4x smaller than the target dims) before passing to the decoder Example: >>> in_dim = (16, 16) # Input dimensions (images) >>> out_dim = (64,) # Output dimensions (spectra) >>> # Initialize and train model >>> model = aoi.models.ImSpec(in_dim, out_dim, latent_dim=10) >>>, spectra_train, imgs_test, spectra_test, >>> full_epoch=True, training_cycles=120, swa=True) >>> # Make a prediction with the trained model >>> prediction = model.predict(imgs_test, norm=False) """ def __init__(self, in_dim: Tuple[int], out_dim: Tuple[int], latent_dim: int = 2, **kwargs) -> None: super(ImSpec, self).__init__(in_dim, out_dim, latent_dim, **kwargs) self.latent_dim = latent_dim
[docs] def fit(self, X_train: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], y_train: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], X_test: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]] = None, y_test: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]] = None, loss: str = 'mse', optimizer: Optional[Type[torch.optim.Optimizer]] = None, training_cycles: int = 1000, batch_size: int = 64, compute_accuracy: bool = False, full_epoch: bool = False, swa: bool = False, perturb_weights: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Compiles a trainer and performs model training Args: X_train: 4D numpy array or torch tensor with image data (n_samples x 1 x height x width) or 3D array/tensor with spectral data (n_samples x 1 x signal_length). It is also possible to pass 3D and 2D arrays by ignoring the channel dim of 1, which will be added automatically. The X_train is typically referred to as 'features' y_train: 3D numpy array or torch tensor with spectral data (n_samples x 1 x signal_length) or 4D array/tensor with image data (n_samples x 1 x height x width). It is also possible to pass 2D and 3D arrays by ignoring the channel dim of 1, which will be added automatically. Note that if your X_train data are images, then your y_train must be spectra and vice versa. The y_train is typicaly referred to as "targets" X_test: Test data (features) of the same dimesnionality (except for the number of samples) as X_train y_test: Test data (targets) of the same dimesnionality (except for the number of samples) as y_train loss: Loss function (currently works only with 'mse') optimizer: weights optimizer (defaults to Adam optimizer with lr=1e-3) training_cycles: Number of training 'epochs'. If full_epoch argument is set to False, 1 epoch == 1 mini-batch. Otherwise, each cycle corresponds to all mini-batches of data passing through a NN. batch_size: Size of training and test mini-batches full_epoch: If True, passes all mini-batches of training/test data at each training cycle and computes the average loss. If False, passes a single (randomly chosen) mini-batch at each cycle. swa: Saves the recent stochastic weights and averages them at the end of training perturb_weights: Time-dependent weight perturbation, :math:`w\\leftarrow w + a / (1 + e)^\\gamma`, where parameters *a* and *gamma* can be passed as a dictionary, together with parameter *e_p* determining every *n*-th epoch at which a perturbation is applied **print_loss (int): Prints loss every *n*-th epoch **filename (str): Filename for model weights (appended with "" and "") **plot_training_history (bool): Plots training and test curves vs. training cycles at the end of training **kwargs: One can also pass kwargs for utils.datatransform class to perform the augmentation "on-the-fly" (e.g. gauss_noise=[20, 60], etc.) """ self.compile_trainer( (X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test), loss, optimizer, training_cycles, batch_size, compute_accuracy, full_epoch, swa, perturb_weights, **kwargs) self.augment_fn = imspec_augmentor(self.in_dim, self.out_dim, **kwargs) _ =
[docs] def predict(self, data: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """ Apply (trained model) to new data Args: data: Input image/spectrum or batch of images/spectra **num_batches (int): number of batches (Default: 10) **norm (bool): Normalize data to (0, 1) during pre-processing **verbose (bool): verbosity (Default: True) """ use_gpu = self.device == 'cuda' nn_output = ImSpecPredictor(, self.out_dim, use_gpu, **kwargs).run(data, **kwargs) return nn_output
[docs] def load_weights(self, filepath: str) -> None: """ Loads saved weights dictionary """ weight_dict = torch.load(filepath, map_location=self.device)