Source code for atomai.utils.imgen


Utility functions for generating training images

Created by Maxim Ziatdinov (email:

from typing import Tuple, Callable, Union, List, Dict
import numpy as np

[docs]class MakeAtom: """ Creates an image of atom modelled as 2D Gaussian and a corresponding mask """ def __init__(self, sc: int = 5, r_mask: int = 3, intensity: int = 1, theta: int = 0, offset: int = 0): """ Args: sc (int): scale parameter, which determines Gaussian width r_mask (int): radius of mask corresponding to atom theta (int): parameter of 2D gaussian function offset (int): parameter of 2D gaussian function """ if sc % 2 == 0: sc += 1 self.xo, self.yo = sc/2, sc/2 x = np.linspace(0, sc, sc) y = np.linspace(0, sc, sc) self.x, self.y = np.meshgrid(x, y) self.sigma_x, self.sigma_y = sc/4, sc/4 self.intensity = intensity self.theta = theta self.offset = offset self.r_mask = r_mask
[docs] def atom2dgaussian(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Models atom as 2d Gaussian """ a = (np.cos(self.theta)**2)/(2*self.sigma_x**2) +\ (np.sin(self.theta)**2)/(2*self.sigma_y**2) b = -(np.sin(2*self.theta))/(4*self.sigma_x**2) +\ (np.sin(2*self.theta))/(4*self.sigma_y**2) c = (np.sin(self.theta)**2)/(2*self.sigma_x**2) +\ (np.cos(self.theta)**2)/(2*self.sigma_y**2) g = self.offset + self.intensity*np.exp( -(a*((self.x-self.xo)**2) + 2*b*(self.x-self.xo)*(self.y-self.yo) +\ c*((self.y-self.yo)**2))) return g
[docs] def circularmask(self, image: np.ndarray, radius: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns a mask with specified radius """ h, w = self.x.shape X, Y = np.ogrid[:h, :w] dist_from_center = np.sqrt((X-self.xo+0.5)**2 + (Y-self.yo+0.5)**2) mask = dist_from_center <= radius image[~mask] = 0 return image
[docs] def gen_atom_mask(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Creates a mask for specific type of atom """ atom = self.atom2dgaussian() mask = self.circularmask(atom.copy(), self.r_mask/2) mask = mask[np.min(np.where(mask > 0)[0]): np.max(np.where(mask > 0)[0]+1), np.min(np.where(mask > 0)[1]): np.max(np.where(mask > 0)[1])+1] mask[mask > 0] = 1 return atom, mask
[docs]def create_lattice_mask(lattice: np.ndarray, xy_atoms: np.ndarray, *args: Callable[[int, int], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]], **kwargs: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Given experimental image and *xy* atomic coordinates creates ground truth image. Currently works only for the case where all atoms are one class. Notice that it will round fractional pixels. Args: lattice (2D numpy array): Experimental image as 2D numpy array xy_atoms (N x 2 numpy array): Position of atoms in the experimental data *arg (python function): Function that creates a 2D numpy array with atom and corresponding mask for each atomic coordinate. It must have two parameters, 'scale' and 'rmask' that control sizes of simulated atom and corresponding mask Example: >>> def create_atomic_mask(scale=7, rmask=5): >>> atom = MakeAtom(r).atom2dgaussian() >>> _, mask = cv2.threshold(atom, thresh, 1, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) >>> return atom, mask **scale (int): Controls the atom size (width of 2D Gaussian) **rmask (int): Controls the atomic mask size Returns: 2D numpy array with ground truth data """ if len(args) == 1: create_mask_func = args[0] else: create_mask_func = create_atom_mask_pair scale = kwargs.get("scale", 7) rmask = kwargs.get("rmask", 5) lattice_mask = np.zeros_like(lattice) for xy in xy_atoms: x, y = xy x = int(np.around(x)) y = int(np.around(y)) _, mask = create_mask_func(scale, rmask) r_m = mask.shape[0] / 2 r_m1 = int(r_m + .5) r_m2 = int(r_m - .5) lattice_mask[x-r_m1:x+r_m2, y-r_m1:y+r_m2] = mask return lattice_mask
[docs]def create_multiclass_lattice_mask(imgdata: np.ndarray, coord_class_dict: Union[Dict[int, np.ndarray], np.ndarray], *args: Callable[[int, int], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]], **kwargs: int) -> Union[List[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]: """ Given a stack of experimental images and dictionary with atomic coordinates and classes creates a ground truth image. Notice that it will round fractional pixels. Args: lattice (3D numpy array): Experimental image as 2D numpy array coord_class_dict (dict or N x 3 numpy array): Dictionary with arrays containing coordiantes and classes for each atom/defect In each array, the first two columns are position of atoms. The third column is the "intensity"/class of each atom. It is also possible to pass a single N x 3 ndarray, which will be wrapped into a dictioanry automatically. *arg (python function): Function that creates two 2D numpy arrays with atom and corresponding mask for each atomic coordinate. It must have three parameters, 'scale', 'rmask', and 'intensity' that control size and intensity of simulated atom and corresponding atomic mask **scale (int): Controls the atom size (width of 2D Gaussian) **rmask (int): Controls the atomic mask size Returns: 4D numpy array with ground truth data or list of 3D numpy arrays """ if np.ndim(imgdata) == 2: imgdata = imgdata[None, ...] if isinstance(coord_class_dict, np.ndarray): coord_class_dict = {0: coord_class_dict} masks = [] for i, img in enumerate(imgdata): masks.append(create_multiclass_lattice_mask_( img, coord_class_dict[i], *args, **kwargs)) shapes = [m.shape for m in masks] if len(set(shapes)) <= 1: masks = np.array(masks) return masks
def create_multiclass_lattice_mask_(lattice: np.ndarray, xyz_atoms: np.ndarray, *args: Callable[[int, int], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]], **kwargs: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Given experimental image and *xyz* atomic coordinates creates ground truth image. Notice that it will round fractional pixels. Args: lattice (2D numpy array): Experimental image as 2D numpy array xyz_atoms (N x 3 numpy array): The first two columns are position of atoms. The third column is the intensity of each atom. *arg (python function): Function that creates two 2D numpy arrays with atom and corresponding mask for each atomic coordinate. It must have three parameters, 'scale', 'rmask', and 'intensity' that control size and intensity of simulated atom and corresponding atomic mask **scale: int Controls the atom size (width of 2D Gaussian) **rmask: int Controls the atomic mask size Returns: 3D numpy array with ground truth data """ if len(args) == 1: create_mask_func = args[0] else: create_mask_func = create_atom_mask_pair scale = kwargs.get("scale", 7) rmask = kwargs.get("rmask", 7) lattice_mask = np.zeros( (lattice.shape[0], lattice.shape[1], len(np.unique(xyz_atoms[:, -1])))) if 0 in np.unique(xyz_atoms[:, -1]): xyz_atoms[:, -1] = xyz_atoms[:, -1] + 1 atom_ch_d = {} for i, s in enumerate(np.unique(xyz_atoms[:, -1])): atom_ch_d[s] = i for atom in xyz_atoms: x, y, z = atom x = int(np.around(x)) y = int(np.around(y)) _, mask = create_mask_func(scale, rmask, z) r_m = mask.shape[0] / 2 r_m1 = int(r_m + .5) r_m2 = int(r_m - .5) lattice_mask[x-r_m1:x+r_m2, y-r_m1:y+r_m2, atom_ch_d[z]] = mask lattice_mask_b = 1 - np.sum(lattice_mask, axis=-1) lattice_mask = np.concatenate((lattice_mask, lattice_mask_b[..., None]), axis=-1) lattice_mask[lattice_mask < 0] = 0 return lattice_mask def create_atom_mask_pair(sc: int = 5, r_mask: int = 5, intensity: int = 1): """ Helper function for creating atom-label pair """ amaker = MakeAtom(sc, r_mask, intensity) atom, mask = amaker.gen_atom_mask() return atom, mask