Source code for atomai.utils.viz


Utility functions for plotting

Created by Maxim Ziatdinov (email:

from typing import Union, List, Optional, Dict

import os
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import numpy as np

def plot_losses(train_loss: Union[List[float], np.ndarray],
                test_loss: Union[List[float], np.ndarray]) -> None:
    Plots train and test losses
    print('Plotting training history')
    _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6))
    ax.plot(train_loss, label='Train')
    ax.plot(test_loss, label='Test')

def plot_coord(img: np.ndarray,
               coord: np.ndarray,
               fsize: int = 6, **kwargs) -> None:
    Plots coordinates (colored according to atom class)
    cmap_ = kwargs.get("cmap", "RdYlGn")
    y, x, c = coord.T
    plt.figure(figsize=(fsize, fsize))
    plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray', origin='lower')
    plt.scatter(x, y, c=c, cmap=cmap_, s=8)

def draw_boxes(imgdata: np.ndarray, defcoord: np.ndarray,
               bbox: int = 16, fsize: int = 6) -> None:
    Draws boxes centered around the extracted dedects
    _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(fsize, fsize))
    ax.imshow(imgdata, cmap='gray')
    for point in defcoord:
        startx = int(round(point[0] - bbox))
        starty = int(round(point[1] - bbox))
        p = patches.Rectangle(
            (starty, startx), bbox*2, bbox*2,
            fill=False, edgecolor='orange', lw=2)

[docs]def plot_trajectories(traj: np.ndarray, frames: np.ndarray, **kwargs: Union[int, str]) -> None: """ Plots individual trajectory (as position (radius) vector) Args: traj (n x 3 ndarray): numpy array where first two columns are coordinates and the 3rd columd are classes frames ((n,) ndarray): numpy array with frame numbers **lv (int): latent variable value to visualize (Default: 1) **fov (int or list): field of view or scan size **fsize (int): figure size (Default: 6) **cmap (str): colormap (Default: jet) """ fov = kwargs.get("fov") cmap = kwargs.get("cmap", "jet") fsize = kwargs.get("fsize", 6) r_coord = np.linalg.norm(traj[:, :2], axis=1) if traj.shape[1] == 3: c_ = traj[:, -1] elif traj.shape[1] > 3: lv = kwargs.get("lv", 3) c_ = traj[:, 2 + lv] plt.figure(figsize=(fsize*2, fsize)) plt.scatter(frames, r_coord, c=c_, cmap=cmap) if fov: if isinstance(fov, list) and len(fov) == 2: fov = np.sqrt(fov[0]**2 + fov[1]**2) elif isinstance(fov, int): fov = np.sqrt(2*fov**2) else: raise ValueError("Pass 'fov' argument as integer or 2-element list") plt.ylim(0, fov) plt.xlabel("Time step (a.u.)", fontsize=18) plt.ylabel("Position vector", fontsize=18) cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar_lbl = "States" if traj.shape[1] == 3 else "Latent variable {}".format(lv) cbar.set_label(cbar_lbl, fontsize=16) plt.clabel plt.title("Trajectory", fontsize=20)
[docs]def plot_transitions(matrix: np.ndarray, states: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, gmm_components: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, plot_values: bool = False, **kwargs: Union[bool, int, str]) -> None: """ Plots transition matrix and (optionally) most frequent/probable transitions Args: m (2D numpy array): Transition matrix states (numpy array): Array with states (e.g. [2, 5, 7]) gmm_components (4D numpy array): GMM components (optional) plot_values (bool): Show calculated transtion rates **transitions_to_plot (int): number of transitions (associated with largest prob values) to plot **plot_toself (bool): Skips transitions into self when plotting transitions with largest probs **fsize (int): figure size **cmap (str): color map """ fsize = kwargs.get("fsize", 6) cmap = kwargs.get("cmap", "Reds") transitions_to_plot = kwargs.get("transitions_to_plot", 6) plot_toself = kwargs.get("plot_toself", True) m = matrix _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(fsize, fsize)) ax.matshow(m, cmap=cmap) if states is None: states = np.arange(len(m)) + 1 xt = states ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(xt))) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(xt))) ax.set_xticklabels((xt).tolist(), rotation='horizontal', fontsize=14) ax.set_yticklabels((xt).tolist(), rotation='horizontal', fontsize=14) ax.set_title('Transition matrix', y=1.1, fontsize=20) if plot_values: for (i, j), v in np.ndenumerate(m): ax.text(j, i, np.around(v, 2), ha='center', va='center', c='b') ax.set_xlabel('Transition class', fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel('Starting class', fontsize=18) if gmm_components is not None: idx_ = np.unravel_index(np.argsort(m.ravel()), m.shape) idx_ = np.dstack(idx_)[0][::-1] print() i_ = 0 for i in idx_: if plot_toself is False and i[0] == i[1]: continue _, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(fsize, fsize//2)) if gmm_components.shape[-1] == 3: start_comp = gmm_components[states[i[0]]-1] trans_comp = gmm_components[states[i[1]]-1] else: start_comp = np.sum(gmm_components[states[i[0]]-1], axis=-1) trans_comp = np.sum(gmm_components[states[i[1]]-1], axis=-1) print("Starting class ---> Transition class (Prob: {})". format(m[tuple(i)])) ax1.imshow(start_comp, cmap=cmap) ax1.set_title("GMM component {}".format(states[i[0]])) ax2.imshow(trans_comp, cmap=cmap) ax2.set_title("GMM_component {}".format(states[i[1]])) i_ = i_ + 1 if i_ == transitions_to_plot - 1: break return
[docs]def plot_trajectories_transitions(trans_dict: Dict, k: int, plot_values: bool = False, **kwargs: Union[bool, int, str]) -> None: """ Plots trajectory witht he associated transitions. Args: trans_dict (dict): Python dictionary containing trajectories, frame numbers, transitions and the averaged GMM components. Usually this is an output of atomstat.transition_matrix k (int): Number of trajectory to vizualize plot_values (bool): Show calculated transtion rates **transitions_to_plot (int): number of transitions (associated with largerst prob values) to plot **fsize (int): figure size **cmap (str): color map **fov (int or list): field of view (scan size) """ traj = trans_dict["trajectories"][k] frames = trans_dict["frames"][k] trans = trans_dict["transitions"][k] plot_trajectories(traj, frames, **kwargs) print() s_true = np.unique(traj[:, -1]).astype(np.int64) plot_transitions( trans, s_true, trans_dict["gmm_components"], plot_values, **kwargs) return
def plot_lattice_bonds(distances: np.ndarray, atom_pairs: np.ndarray, distance_ideal: float = None, frame: int = 0, display_results: bool = True, **kwargs: Union[str, int]) -> None: """ Plots a map of lattice bonds Args: distances (numpy array): :math:`n_atoms \\times nn` array, where *nn* is a number of nearest neighbors atom_pairs (numpy array): :math:`n_atoms \\times (nn+1) \\times 3`, where *nn* is a number of nearest neighbors distance_ideal (float): Bond distance in ideal lattice. Defaults to average distance in the frame frame (int): frame number (used in filename when saving plot) display_results (bool): Plot bond maps **savedir (str): directory to save plots **h (int): image height **w (int): image width """ savedir = kwargs.get("savedir", './') h, w = kwargs.get("h"), kwargs.get("w") if h is None or w is None: w = int(np.amax(atom_pairs[..., 0]) - np.amin(atom_pairs[..., 0])) + 10 h = int(np.amax(atom_pairs[..., 1]) - np.amin(atom_pairs[..., 1])) + 10 if w != h: warnings.warn("Currently supports only square images", UserWarning) if distance_ideal is None: distance_ideal = np.mean(distances) distances = (distances - distance_ideal) / distance_ideal d_uniq = np.sort(np.unique(distances)) colormap = cm.RdYlGn_r colorst = [colormap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, d_uniq.shape[0])] fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 8)) ax1.imshow(np.zeros((h, w)), cmap='gray') for a, d in zip(atom_pairs, distances): for i in range(a.shape[-1]): x = [a[0][0], a[i+1][0]] y = [a[0][1], a[i+1][1]] color = colorst[np.where(d[i] == d_uniq)[0][0]] ax1.plot(y, x, c=color) ax1.axis(False) ax1.set_aspect('auto') clrbar = np.linspace(np.amin(d_uniq), np.amax(d_uniq), d_uniq.shape[0]-1).reshape(-1, 1) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.11, 0.08, .8, .2]) img = ax2.imshow(clrbar, colormap) plt.gca().set_visible(False) clrbar_ = plt.colorbar(img, ax=ax2, orientation='horizontal') clrbar_.set_label('Variation in bond length (%)', fontsize=14, labelpad=10) if display_results: fig.savefig(os.path.join(savedir, 'frame_{}'.format(frame))) def animation_from_png(png_dir: str, moviename: str = 'anim', duration: int = 1, savedir: str = './', remove_dir: bool = True) -> None: """ Create animation from saved png files """ import imageio, shutil images = [] if ".ipynb_checkpoints" in os.listdir(png_dir): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(png_dir, ".ipynb_checkpoints")) for file_name in sorted(os.listdir(png_dir), key=lambda fname: int(fname.split('.')[0])): if file_name.endswith('.png'): images.append(imageio.imread(os.path.join(png_dir, file_name))) imageio.mimsave(os.path.join(savedir, moviename + '.gif'), images, duration=duration) if remove_dir: shutil.rmtree(png_dir)