Source code for atomai.utils.aseutils


Module for working with atom/defect/particle coordinates and converting
to ASE object

Created by Ayana Ghosh (email:

from typing import Dict, Union

import numpy as np

[docs]def ase_obj_basic(coords_dict: Union[Dict[int, np.ndarray], np.ndarray], frame_number: int, material_system: str, map_dict: Dict[int, str], filepath: str, px2ang: float) -> None: """ Takes the atomic coordinates and classes predicted by AtomAI's Segmentor models and uses them to create a structure file readable by packages such as Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE), VESTA, etc. It uses a simple cubic cell. Args: coords_dict: dictionary object of coordinates produced by AtomAI frame_number: image frame number (assumes a stack of images) material_system: name of material map_dict: dictionary which maps atomic classes from the NN output (keys) to strings corresponding to chemical elements (values) filepath: Savepath for the ASE object px2ang: Pixels-to-angstroms conversion coefficient, which is specific to each experiment Examples: >>> # Save coordinates for specific frame (0) as ASE object >>> ase_obj_basic(coordinates, 0, "Graphene", >>> map_dict = {0: "C", 1: "Si"}, >>> "/content/Drive/POSCAR", >>> px2ang=0.104) >>> # Read the saved files using ASE reader >>> cell ="/content/Drive/POSCAR") """ ang2px = 1 / px2ang # make a list of dictionaries for all classes of atoms seperately all_dicts = [] for c_atom in range(len(map_dict)): coordinates_filtered = {} for k, c in coords_dict.items(): coordinates_filtered[k] = c[c[:, -1] == c_atom] all_dicts.append(coordinates_filtered) all_atoms = [] length_coords = [] for m in range(len(all_dicts)): pick_one_aoi = np.array(all_dicts[m][frame_number]) # np array pick_one_aoi = pick_one_aoi / ang2px # pixel to angstrom conversion all_atoms.append(pick_one_aoi) length_coords.append(pick_one_aoi.shape[0]) all_atoms_arr = all_atoms[0] for a in range(1, len(all_atoms)): all_atoms_arr = np.concatenate([all_atoms_arr, all_atoms[a]], axis=0) a_lattice = np.max(all_atoms_arr) + 0.2 b_lattice = a_lattice c_lattice = a_lattice c_coords_aoi = (np.max(all_atoms_arr)) all_atoms_arr[:, 2] = c_coords_aoi # open a text file and write to it following the format of .vasp file file1 = open(str(filepath), "w") file1.write(str(material_system) + "\n") file1.write(" 1.0000 \n") file1.write(" " + str(a_lattice) + " 0.0000 0.0000 \n") file1.write(" 0.0000 " + str(b_lattice) + " 0.0000 \n") file1.write(" 0.0000 0.0000 " + str(c_lattice) + "\n") for j in range(len(map_dict)): file1.write(" " + list(map_dict.values())[j] + " ") file1.write("\n") for s in range(len(length_coords)): file1.write(" " + str(length_coords[s])) file1.write("\n") file1.write("Cartesian \n") for i in range(all_atoms_arr.shape[0]): file1.write(str(all_atoms_arr[i][0]) + "\t" + str(all_atoms_arr[i][1]) + "\t" + str(all_atoms_arr[i][2]) + "\n") file1.close() print("You have successfully created an ASE object. \n") print("This is a cubic cell of " + material_system + ". \n") print("Now you can read it in using \n")
[docs]def ase_obj_adv(a_lattice: float, b_lattice: float, c_lattice: float, coords_dict: Union[Dict[int, np.ndarray], np.ndarray], frame_number: int, material_system: str, map_dict: Dict[int, str], filepath: str, px2ang: float) -> None: """ Takes the atomic coordinates and classes predicted by AtomAI's Segmentor models and uses them to create a structure file readable by packages such as Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE), VESTA, etc. It uses a customized cell with multiple atoms per user's choice. Args: a_lattice: list of lattice vector in a direction ([a1,a2,a3]) b_lattice: list of lattice vector in a direction ([b1,b2,c3]) c_lattice: list of lattice vector in a direction ([c1,c2,c3]) coords_dict: dictionary object of coordinates produced by AtomAI frame_number: image frame number material_system: name of material map_dict: dictionary which maps atomic classes from the NN output (keys) to strings corresponding to chemical elements (values) filepath: Savepath for the ASE object px2ang: Pixels-to-Angstrom conversion coefficient, which is specific to each experiment Examples: >>> # Save coordinates for specific frame (0) as ASE object >>> ase_obj_adv([86.00000,0.00000,0.00000], >>> [0.00000,86.00000,0.00000], >>> [0.00000,0.00000,86.00000], coordinates, 0, >>> "Graphene", map_dict = {0: "C", 1: "Si"}, >>> "/content/Drive/POSCAR_adv", >>> px2ang=0.104) >>> # Read the saved file using ASE reader >>> cell ="/content/Drive/POSCAR_adv") """ ang2px = 1 / px2ang all_dicts = [] for c_atom in range(len(map_dict)): coordinates_filtered = {} for k, c in coords_dict.items(): coordinates_filtered[k] = c[c[:, -1] == c_atom] all_dicts.append(coordinates_filtered) all_atoms = [] length_coords = [] for m in range(len(all_dicts)): pick_one_aoi = np.array(all_dicts[m][frame_number]) # np array pick_one_aoi = pick_one_aoi / ang2px # pixel to angstrom conversion all_atoms.append(pick_one_aoi) length_coords.append(pick_one_aoi.shape[0]) all_atoms_arr = all_atoms[0] for a in range(1, len(all_atoms)): all_atoms_arr = np.concatenate([all_atoms_arr, all_atoms[a]], axis=0) c_coords_aoi = (np.max(all_atoms_arr)) all_atoms_arr[:, 2] = c_coords_aoi # open a text file and write to it following the format of .vasp file file1 = open(str(filepath), "w") file1.write(str(material_system) + "\n") file1.write(" 1.0000 \n") file1.write(" " + str(a_lattice[0]) + " " + str(a_lattice[1]) + " " + str(a_lattice[2]) + "\n") file1.write(" " + str(b_lattice[0]) + " " + str(b_lattice[1]) + " " + str(b_lattice[2]) + "\n") file1.write(" " + str(c_lattice[0]) + " " + str(c_lattice[1]) + " " + str(c_lattice[2]) + "\n") for j in range(len(map_dict)): file1.write(" " + list(map_dict.values())[j] + " ") file1.write("\n") for s in range(len(length_coords)): file1.write(" " + str(length_coords[s])) file1.write("\n") file1.write("Cartesian \n") for i in range(all_atoms_arr.shape[0]): file1.write(str(all_atoms_arr[i][0]) + "\t" + str(all_atoms_arr[i][1]) + "\t" + str(all_atoms_arr[i][2]) + "\n") file1.close() print("You have successfully created an ASE object. \n") print("You have prepared " + material_system + ". \n") print("Now you can read it in using \n")