Source code for atomai.utils.img


Helper functions for working with images.

Created by Maxim Ziatdinov (email:

from typing import Tuple, Optional, Dict, Union, List
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import torch
import cv2
from scipy import fftpack, ndimage
from sklearn.feature_extraction.image import extract_patches_2d
from .coords import remove_edge_coord

[docs]def img_resize(image_data: np.ndarray, rs: Tuple[int], round_: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Resizes a stack of images Args: image_data (3D numpy array): Image stack with dimensions (n_batches x height x width) rs (tuple): Target height and width round_(bool): rounding (in case of labeled pixels) Returns: Resized stack of images """ if rs[0] != rs[1]: rs = (rs[1], rs[0]) if image_data.shape[1:3] == rs: return image_data.copy() image_data_r = np.zeros( (image_data.shape[0], rs[0], rs[1])) for i, img in enumerate(image_data): img = cv_resize(img, rs, round_) image_data_r[i, :, :] = img return image_data_r
[docs]def cv_resize(img: np.ndarray, rs: Tuple[int], round_: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Wrapper for open-cv resize function Args: img (2D numpy array): input 2D image rs (tuple): target height and width round_(bool): rounding (in case of labeled pixels) Returns: Resized image """ if img.shape == rs: return img rs = (rs[1], rs[0]) rs_method = cv2.INTER_AREA if img.shape[0] < rs[0] else cv2.INTER_CUBIC img_rs = cv2.resize(img, rs, interpolation=rs_method) if round_: img_rs = np.round(img_rs) return img_rs
[docs]def cv_resize_stack(imgdata: np.ndarray, rs: Union[int, Tuple[int]], round_: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Resizes a 3D stack of images Args: imgdata (3D numpy array): stack of 3D images to be resized rs (tuple or int): target height and width round_(bool): rounding (in case of labeled pixels) Returns: Resized image """ rs = (rs, rs) if isinstance(rs, int) else rs if imgdata.shape[1:3] == rs: return imgdata imgdata_rs = np.zeros((imgdata.shape[0], rs[0], rs[1])) for i, img in enumerate(imgdata): img_rs = cv_resize(img, rs, round_) imgdata_rs[i] = img_rs return imgdata_rs
def cv_rotate(img: np.ndarray, a: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Rotates a 2D image (img) by a specified angle (a) The image can have single (h x w) or multiple (h x w x c) channels Args: img: Input image with dimensions h x w or h x w x channels a: rotationa angle in degrees Returns: Rotated image """ origin = tuple(np.array(img.shape[1::-1]) / 2) rotmat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(origin, a, 1) img_r = cv2.warpAffine(img, rotmat, img.shape[1::-1], cv2.INTER_CUBIC) return img_r
[docs]def img_pad(image_data: np.ndarray, pooling: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Pads the image if its size (w, h) is not divisible by :math:`2^n`, where *n* is a number of pooling layers in a network Args: image_data (3D numpy array): Image stack with dimensions (n_batches x height x width) pooling (int): Downsampling factor (equal to :math:`2^n`, where *n* is a number of pooling operations) """ # Pad image rows (height) while image_data.shape[1] % pooling != 0: d0, _, d2 = image_data.shape image_data = np.concatenate( (image_data, np.zeros((d0, 1, d2))), axis=1) # Pad image columns (width) while image_data.shape[2] % pooling != 0: d0, d1, _ = image_data.shape image_data = np.concatenate( (image_data, np.zeros((d0, d1, 1))), axis=2) return image_data
def get_imgstack(imgdata: np.ndarray, coord: np.ndarray, r: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Extracts subimages centered at specified coordinates for a single image Args: imgdata (3D numpy array): Prediction of a neural network with dimensions :math:`height \\times width \\times n channels` coord (N x 2 numpy array): (x, y) coordinates r (int): Window size Returns: 2-element tuple containing - Stack of subimages - (x, y) coordinates of their centers """ img_cr_all = [] com = [] for c in coord: cx = int(np.around(c[0])) cy = int(np.around(c[1])) if r % 2 != 0: img_cr = np.copy( imgdata[cx-r//2:cx+r//2+1, cy-r//2:cy+r//2+1]) else: img_cr = np.copy( imgdata[cx-r//2:cx+r//2, cy-r//2:cy+r//2]) if img_cr.shape[0:2] == (int(r), int(r)) and not np.isnan(img_cr).any(): img_cr_all.append(img_cr[None, ...]) com.append(c[None, ...]) if len(img_cr_all) == 0: return None, None img_cr_all = np.concatenate(img_cr_all, axis=0) com = np.concatenate(com, axis=0) return img_cr_all, com def imcrop_randpx(img: np.ndarray, window_size: int, num_images: int, random_state: int = 0) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Extracts subimages at random pixels Returns: 2-element tuple containing - Stack of subimages - (x, y) coordinates of their centers """ list_xy = [] com_x, com_y = [], [] n = 0 while n < num_images: x = np.random.randint( window_size // 2 + 1, img.shape[0] - window_size // 2 - 1) y = np.random.randint( window_size // 2 + 1, img.shape[1] - window_size // 2 - 1) if (x, y) not in list_xy: com_x.append(x) com_y.append(y) list_xy.append((x, y)) n += 1 com_xy = np.concatenate( (np.array(com_x)[:, None], np.array(com_y)[:, None]), axis=1) subimages, com = get_imgstack(img, com_xy, window_size) return subimages, com def imcrop_randcoord(img: np.ndarray, coord: np.ndarray, window_size: int, num_images: int, random_state: int = 0) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Extracts subimages at random coordinates Returns: 2-element tuple containing - Stack of subimages - (x, y) coordinates of their centers """ list_idx, com_xy = [], [] n = 0 while n < num_images: i = np.random.randint(len(coord)) if i not in list_idx: com_xy.append(coord[i].tolist()) list_idx.append(i) n += 1 com_xy = np.array(com_xy) subimages, com = get_imgstack(img, com_xy, window_size) return subimages, com
[docs]def extract_random_subimages(imgdata: np.ndarray, window_size: int, num_images: int, coordinates: Optional[Dict[int, np.ndarray]] = None, **kwargs: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Extracts randomly subimages centered at certain atom class/type (usually from a neural network output) or just at random pixels (if coordinates are not known/available) Args: imgdata (numpy array): 4D stack of images (n, height, width, channel) window_size (int): Side of the square for subimage cropping num_images (int): number of images to extract from each "frame" in the stack coordinates (dict): Optional. Prediction from atomnet.locator (can be from other source but must be in the same format) Each element is a :math:`N \\times 3` numpy array, where *N* is a number of detected atoms/defects, the first 2 columns are *xy* coordinates and the third columns is class (starts with 0) **coord_class (int): Class of atoms/defects around around which the subimages will be cropped (3rd column in the atomnet.locator output) Returns: 3-element tuple containing - stack of subimages - (x, y) coordinates of their centers - frame number associated with each subimage """ if coordinates: coord_class = kwargs.get("coord_class", 0) if np.ndim(imgdata) < 4: imgdata = imgdata[..., None] subimages_all = np.zeros( (num_images * imgdata.shape[0], window_size, window_size, imgdata.shape[-1])) com_all = np.zeros((num_images * imgdata.shape[0], 2)) frames_all = np.zeros((num_images * imgdata.shape[0])) for i, img in enumerate(imgdata): if coordinates is None: stack_i, com_i = imcrop_randpx( img, window_size, num_images, random_state=i) else: coord = coordinates[i] coord = coord[coord[:, -1] == coord_class] coord = coord[:, :2] coord = remove_edge_coord(coord, imgdata.shape[1:3], window_size // 2 + 1) if num_images > len(coord): raise ValueError( "Number of images cannot be greater than the available coordinates") stack_i, com_i = imcrop_randcoord( img, coord, window_size, num_images, random_state=i) subimages_all[i * num_images: (i + 1) * num_images] = stack_i com_all[i * num_images: (i + 1) * num_images] = com_i frames_all[i * num_images: (i + 1) * num_images] = np.ones(len(com_i), int) * i return subimages_all, com_all, frames_all
[docs]def extract_subimages(imgdata: np.ndarray, coordinates: Union[Dict[int, np.ndarray], np.ndarray], window_size: int, coord_class: int = 0) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Extracts subimages centered at certain atom class/type (usually from a neural network output) Args: imgdata (numpy array): 4D stack of images (n, height, width, channel). It is also possible to pass a single 2D image. coordinates (dict or N x 2 numpy arry): Prediction from atomnet.locator (can be from other source but must be in the same format) Each element is a :math:`N \\times 3` numpy array, where *N* is a number of detected atoms/defects, the first 2 columns are *xy* coordinates and the third columns is class (starts with 0). It is also possible to pass N x 2 numpy array if the corresponding imgdata is a single 2D image. window_size (int): Side of the square for subimage cropping coord_class (int): Class of atoms/defects around around which the subimages will be cropped (3rd column in the atomnet.locator output) Returns: 3-element tuple containing - stack of subimages, - (x, y) coordinates of their centers, - frame number associated with each subimage """ if isinstance(coordinates, np.ndarray): coordinates = np.concatenate(( coordinates, np.zeros((coordinates.shape[0], 1))), axis=-1) coordinates = {0: coordinates} if np.ndim(imgdata) == 2: imgdata = imgdata[None, ..., None] subimages_all, com_all, frames_all = [], [], [] for i, (img, coord) in enumerate( zip(imgdata, coordinates.values())): coord_i = coord[np.where(coord[:, 2] == coord_class)][:, :2] stack_i, com_i = get_imgstack(img, coord_i, window_size) if stack_i is None: continue subimages_all.append(stack_i) com_all.append(com_i) frames_all.append(np.ones(len(com_i), int) * i) if len(subimages_all) > 0: subimages_all = np.concatenate(subimages_all, axis=0) com_all = np.concatenate(com_all, axis=0) frames_all = np.concatenate(frames_all, axis=0) return subimages_all, com_all, frames_all
def extract_patches_(lattice_im: np.ndarray, lattice_mask: np.ndarray, patch_size: int, num_patches: int, **kwargs: int ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Extracts subimages of the selected size from the 'mother" image and mask """ rs = kwargs.get("random_state", 0) if isinstance(patch_size, int): patch_size = (patch_size, patch_size) images = extract_patches_2d( lattice_im, patch_size, max_patches=num_patches, random_state=rs) labels = extract_patches_2d( lattice_mask, patch_size, max_patches=num_patches, random_state=rs) return images, labels
[docs]def extract_patches(images: np.ndarray, masks: np.ndarray, patch_size: int, num_patches: int, **kwargs: int ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Takes batch of images and batch of corresponding masks as an input and for each image-mask pair it extracts stack of subimages (patches) of the selected size. """ if np.ndim(images) == 2: images = images[None, ...] if np.ndim(masks) == 2: masks = masks[None, ...] images_aug, masks_aug = [], [] for im, ma in zip(images, masks): im_aug, ma_aug = extract_patches_( im, ma, patch_size, num_patches, **kwargs) images_aug.append(im_aug) masks_aug.append(ma_aug) images_aug = np.concatenate(images_aug, axis=0) masks_aug = np.concatenate(masks_aug, axis=0) return images_aug, masks_aug
def extract_patches_and_spectra(hdata: np.ndarray, *args: np.ndarray, coordinates: np.ndarray = None, window_size: int = None, avg_pool: int = 2, **kwargs: Union[int, List[int]] ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Extracts image patches and associated spectra (corresponding to patch centers) from hyperspectral dataset Args: hdata: 3D or 4D hyperspectral data *args: 2D image for patch extraction. If not provided, then patches will be extracted from hyperspectral data averaged over a specified band (range of "slices") coordinates: 2D numpy array with xy coordinates window_size: Image patch size avg_pool: Kernel size and stride for average pooling in spectral dimension(s) **band: Range of slices in hyperspectral data to average over for producing a 2D image if the latter is not provided as a separate argument. For 3D data, it can be integer (use a single slice) or a 2-element list. For 4D data, it can be integer or a 4-element list. Returns: 3-element tuple with image patches, associated spectra and coordinates """ F = torch.nn.functional if hdata.ndim not in (3, 4): raise ValueError("Hyperspectral data must 3D or 4D") if len(args) > 0: img = args[0] if img.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Image data must be 2D") else: band = kwargs.get("band", 0) if hdata.ndim == 3: if isinstance(band, int): band = [band, band+1] img = hdata[..., band[0]:band[1]].mean(-1) else: if isinstance(band, int): band = [band, band+1, band, band+1] elif isinstance(band, list) and len(band) == 2: band = [*band, *band] img = hdata[..., band[0]:band[1], band[2]:band[3]].mean((-2, -1)) patches, coords, _ = extract_subimages(img, coordinates, window_size) patches = patches.squeeze() spectra = [] for c in coords: spectra.append(hdata[int(c[0]), int(c[1])]) avg_pool = 2*[avg_pool] if (isinstance(avg_pool, int) & hdata.ndim == 4) else avg_pool torch_pool = F.avg_pool1d if hdata.ndim == 3 else F.avg_pool2d spectra = torch.tensor(spectra).unsqueeze(1) spectra = torch_pool(spectra, avg_pool, avg_pool).squeeze().numpy() return patches, spectra, coords
[docs]def FFTmask(imgsrc: np.ndarray, maskratio: int = 10) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Takes a square real space image and filter out a disk with radius equal to: 1/maskratio * image size. Retruns FFT transform of the image and the filtered FFT transform """ # Take the fourier transform of the image. F1 = fftpack.fft2((imgsrc)) # Now shift so that low spatial frequencies are in the center. F2 = (fftpack.fftshift((F1))) # copy the array and zero out the center F3 = F2.copy() l = int(imgsrc.shape[0]/maskratio) m = int(imgsrc.shape[0]/2) y, x = np.ogrid[1: 2*l + 1, 1:2*l + 1] mask = (x - l)*(x - l) + (y - l)*(y - l) <= l*l F3[m-l:m+l, m-l:m+l] = F3[m-l:m+l, m-l:m+l] * (1 - mask) return F2, F3
[docs]def FFTsub(imgsrc: np.ndarray, imgfft: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Takes real space image and filtred FFT. Reconstructs real space image and subtracts it from the original. Returns normalized image. """ reconstruction = np.real(fftpack.ifft2(fftpack.ifftshift(imgfft))) diff = np.abs(imgsrc - reconstruction) # normalization diff = diff - np.amin(diff) diff = diff/np.amax(diff) return diff
[docs]def threshImg(diff: np.ndarray, threshL: float = 0.25, threshH: float = 0.75) -> np.ndarray: """ Takes in difference image, low and high thresold values, and outputs a map of all defects. """ threshIL = diff < threshL threshIH = diff > threshH threshI = threshIL + threshIH return threshI
[docs]def crop_borders(imgdata: np.ndarray, thresh: float = 0) -> np.ndarray: """ Crops image border where all values are zeros Args: imgdata (numpy array): 3D numpy array (h, w, c) thresh: border values to crop Returns: Cropped array """ def crop(img): mask = img > thresh img = img[np.ix_(mask.any(1), mask.any(0))] return img imgdata_cr = [crop(imgdata[..., i]) for i in range(imgdata.shape[-1])] return np.array(imgdata_cr).transpose(1, 2, 0)
def get_coord_grid(imgdata: np.ndarray, step: int, return_dict: bool = True ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Dict[int, np.ndarray]]: """ Generate a square coordinate grid for every image in a stack. Returns coordinates in a dictionary format (same format as generated by atomnet.predictor) that can be used as an input for utility functions extracting subimages and atomstat.imlocal class Args: imgdata (numpy array): 2D or 3D numpy array step (int): distance between grid points return_dict (bool): returns coordiantes as a dictionary (same format as atomnet.predictor) Returns: Dictionary or numpy array with coordinates """ if np.ndim(imgdata) == 2: imgdata = np.expand_dims(imgdata, axis=0) coord = [] for i in range(0, imgdata.shape[1], step): for j in range(0, imgdata.shape[2], step): coord.append(np.array([i, j])) coord = np.array(coord) if return_dict: coord = np.concatenate((coord, np.zeros((coord.shape[0], 1))), axis=-1) coordinates_dict = {i: coord for i in range(imgdata.shape[0])} return coordinates_dict coordinates = [coord for _ in range(imgdata.shape[0])] return np.concatenate(coordinates, axis=0)
[docs]def cv_thresh(imgdata: np.ndarray, threshold: float = .5): """ Wrapper for opencv binary threshold method. Returns thresholded image. """ _, thresh = cv2.threshold( imgdata, threshold, 1, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) return thresh
def filter_cells_(imgdata: np.ndarray, im_thresh: float = .5, blob_thresh: int = 150, filter_: str = 'below') -> np.ndarray: """ Filters out blobs above/below cetrain size in the thresholded neural network output """ imgdata = cv_thresh(imgdata, im_thresh) label_img, cc_num = ndimage.label(imgdata) cc_areas = ndimage.sum(imgdata, label_img, range(cc_num + 1)) if filter_ == 'above': area_mask = (cc_areas > blob_thresh) else: area_mask = (cc_areas < blob_thresh) label_img[area_mask[label_img]] = 0 label_img[label_img > 0] = 1 return label_img def get_contours(imgdata: np.ndarray) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Extracts object contours from image data (image data must be binary thresholded) """ imgdata_ = cv2.convertScaleAbs(imgdata) contours = cv2.findContours( imgdata_.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[0] return contours
[docs]def filter_cells(imgdata: np.ndarray, im_thresh: float = 0.5, blob_thresh: int = 50, filter_: str = 'below') -> np.ndarray: """ Filters blobs above/below certain size for each image in the stack. The 'imgdata' must have dimensions (n x h x w). Args: imgdata (3D numpy array): stack of images (without channel dimension) im_thresh (float): value at which each image in the stack will be thresholded blob_thresh (int): maximum/mimimun blob size for thresholding filter_ (string): Select 'above' or 'below' to remove larger or smaller blobs, respectively Returns: Image stack with the same dimensions as the input data """ filtered_stack = np.zeros_like(imgdata) for i, img in enumerate(imgdata): filtered_stack[i] = filter_cells_( img, im_thresh, blob_thresh, filter_) return filtered_stack
[docs]def get_blob_params(nn_output: np.ndarray, im_thresh: float, blob_thresh: int, filter_: str = 'below') -> Dict: """ Extracts position and angle of particles in each movie frame Args: nn_output (4D numpy array): out of neural network returned by atomnet.predictor im_thresh (float): value at which each image in the stack will be thresholded blob_thresh (int): maximum/mimimun blob size for thresholding filter_ (string): Select 'above' or 'below' to remove larger or smaller blobs, respectively Returns: Nested dictionary where for each frame there is an ordered dictionary with values of centers of the mass and angle for each detected particle in that frame. """ blob_dict = {} nn_output = nn_output[..., 0] if np.ndim(nn_output) == 4 else nn_output for i, frame in enumerate(nn_output): contours = get_contours(frame) dictionary = OrderedDict() com_arr, angles = [], [] for cnt in contours: if len(cnt) < 5: continue (com), _, angle = cv2.fitEllipse(cnt) com_arr.append(np.array(com)[None, ...]) angles.append(angle) if len(com_arr) > 0: com_arr = np.concatenate(com_arr, axis=0) else: com_arr = None angles = np.array(angles) dictionary['decoded'] = frame dictionary['coordinates'] = com_arr dictionary['angles'] = angles blob_dict[i] = dictionary return blob_dict